Transcript of White Fragility Podcast
Why White Fragility is not antiracism
Transcript of White Fragility Podcast
‘White Noise’ Red Flags - OAF
My Cult-like Cult Obsession and Why You Should Join Me…
Cues of a Performative Ally
Watch Your Language: Centered or Constructive? (1-D vs 3-D)
Stop, Drop, and Scroll
The 'Nuclear Family'... *GROSS*
"or" NOT...
Why I Don't Like 'White Fragility'
Hacks for Talking Race
RE-humanization is the KEY
5 Ways YOU Can Support...
Words White Women Should Stop Using...
"Do you have a backup account?"
White Woman Whisperer: Origin Story (pt.1)
White Supremacy is a Piñata
White Privilege is a BOOGER